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Fire in the Aegean – Scenario of failure – How to succeed
7/2016 11 October 2016ESI published an update on the state of implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement on refugees in the Aegean: what has worked, what has failed, and what is to be done.
The most dangerous Wizard in the EU
6/2016 7 October 2016Viktor Orban has exploited the confusion and insecurities around the European refugee crisis, and the weakness of mainstream political leaders, to further expand his influence in EU capitals and in Brussel
Sailing in the dark – 300 with a mission – Visa, terror and the Aegean refugee agreement
5/2016 19 May 2016Today, the road to a credible EU policy on asylum passes through Lesbos.
How the Merkel Plan could fail – and why this would be terrible for human rights
4/2016 17 March 2016The current dramatic shortage of resources means that for all practical purposes the right to an individual review of asylum applications has already vanished for the vast majority of those who arrive in Greece today.
Idomeni proposal – Bosnia and the first circle of hell – Upcoming events on refugees
3/2016 11 March 2016The history of relations between Bosnia and the EU since 2000 shows that whenever Bosnian institutions were seriously challenged by the EU to co-ordinate, they were able to do so – often to the surprise of their European counterparts.
Refugee crisis – a breakthrough is possible
2/2016 19 February 2016We must challenge one popular myth: the notion that it is the fault of Greece that relocation of refugees is not working. In fact, this scheme it is not working any better in Italy. The problem lies deeper.
A race of plans – Samsom versus Orban – Five steps – Montenegro exodus
1/2016 8 February 2016There is a race today in Europe between two very different concepts of how to restore control over the European Union's external borders.
Getting results? How muddled thinking prolongs the refugee crisis
14/2015 14 December 2015If the EU is serious about making readmission work, it must help Greece increase it capacity to file readmission requests and return accepted migrants to Turkey.
Türkiye Almanya'ya Neden Yardım Etmeli – Avrupa'da Aşırı Sağ Tehdidi
13/2015 12 December 2015Mülteci krizine çözüm konusunda Almanya ve Türkiye'den daha iyi konuma sahip ve daha fazla inanılırlığı haiz başka iki ülke yok. İkisi de bu sorunun çözümünde vazgeçilmez aktörler olarak belirmekte.
Accession revolution in Brussels – a new flagship – Usain Bolt and the quality of statistics
12/2015 9 November 2015A new generation of EU accession reports will be published. If developed further in coming years, this may be the beginning of a revolution in accession methodology.
Merkel in Ankara – Fences that kill – A safe third country
11/2015 18 October 2015If Germany and Turkey cannot reach a deal, there are no other solutions in sight, and the mass migration of Syrians and others into the EU will continue.
The Merkel Plan – A proposal for the Syrian refugee crisis
10/2015 4 October 2015In the current political climate, there is little that European Union institutions can bring to the table. For this reason, it is Germany that must take the lead. We also explain why an agreement between Berlin and Ankara is in the security interest of Turkey.
Refugees as a means to an end – The EU's most dangerous man
9/2015 24 September 2015Viktor Orban offers no credible or practical proposals how to deal with the causes of displacement; he also has no credible proposals on how to stop the loss of control on the EU's external borders.
Saving lives in the Aegean – Teaching war in School
8/2015 18 September 2015Europe is witnessing the biggest movement of people across South East Europe since the Balkan wars of the 1990s: the mass migration of mainly Syrian refugees from Turkey to Greece and then on to Germany.
On the brink in Greece – the vote today
7/2015 5 July 2015Today Greeks vote in a referendum whose outcome could have dramatic consequences for their country. Polls show that the result is on a knife-edge. Every vote counts.
Dorian Gray in Europe – The End of Shame and Human Rights
6/2015 2 June 2015The Council of Europe is facing a crisis of credibility today, so deep that it appears to paralyse those in charge of the institution.
Alchemist – On writing – Kosovo in six numbers – Why Kosovo needs migration
5/2015 30 April 2015Without migration Kosovo has no medium term economic future.
Formula One and human rights – Vaclav and Rasul – Iwinski and the Garden Party
4/2015 23 April 2015There is no reason to expect sports organisations to condemn a regime for human rights abuses that is praised by the leading clubs of European democracies: the Council of Europe and the European Union.
Bosnia as Wunderkind – Corruption from Kosovo to Germany
3/2015 19 March 2015What is needed in discussions of corruption in the Balkans and Turkey is depth, not shallowness, and statements based on serious analysis, not preconceptions. The European Commission has the tool to ensure this. It only has to use it.
VISA AND ASYLUM – Red Alert on Turkey – Unfair in Kosovo – Germany's problem
2/2015 10 March 2015The vision of a Europe in 2017 with more visa free travel, fewer Balkan asylum claims, better police cooperation and better respect for human rights is realistic.