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Red Lines, Rotten Apples and human rights in 2019
8/2018 19 November 2018This is the right moment for European democracies to send a strong signal that certain red lines should not be crossed and that certain types of behaviour are intolerable and unacceptable.
Dark twins – Viktor, Matteo and the Drowning of Europe
7/2018 16 August 2018They have called for "cleaning our cities, street by street" and "mass expulsions". With so little to distinguish their views they are in fact ideological twins: Viktor and Matteo, defenders of a darker, illiberal Europe.
Win-Win for Europe: Defending democracy in the Balkans – and in Poland
6/2018 22 June 2018France, the Netherlands, Germany and others need to do more than put things on hold. They need to propose a constructive policy which is tougher, more transparent, and more credible than the current accession process.
European tragedy – the collapse of Poland's Rule of law
5/2018 29 May 2018No member state of the EU has ever gone as far in subjugating its courts to executive control as the current Polish government has done.
Spring cleaning – the corruption report on the Council of Europe is out
4/2018 23 April 2018Is this the end of a dark decade and the turning point in the biggest scandal in the history of the Council of Europe?
Making history? Macedonia and Elysium
3/2018 4 April 2018For Athens and Skopje to succeed in 2018 where their predecessors failed both governments need a mutually beneficial breakthrough they can defend in front of their domestic audiences. They need to help each other to deliver.
Macron, Italy and the mirage of mass return
2/2018 18 March 2018The current policy debate on migration and asylum in the key European capitals remains deeply confused over both values and instruments. Without clarity of thought no effective and humane policy will ever emerge.
Balkan crises, imagined and real: Bosnian elections – PISA gap
1/2018 31 January 2018Bosnian leaders and international officials in Sarajevo have warned that unless there is an urgent change in the state election law Bosnian democracy might come to an end in October 2018.
Houses of Cards – Post-truth politics from Skopje to Strasbourg
11/2017 27 December 2017For the ECtHR to protect its reputation PACE, the institution which chooses its judges, must itself be transparent and committed to the highest standards. If nobody pays attention, if PACE is run by networks indifferent to democracy, then the prestige and credibility of the Court risks suffering as well.
Wine, dog food and Bosnia clichés – why they matter
10/2017 5 November 2017The dominant clichés are that Bosnia is riven by ethnic hatred; that therefore political stability can only ever be fragile; that the constitutional arrangement which ended the war in 1995 reinforces communal tensions; and that the country remains perpetually on the verge of violent collapse.
Deadly failure – Rome Plan – From Russia with Threats
9/2017 21 July 2017There are no partnerships with migrants' home countries that make sense or have an impact; there is no coherent system for legal migration to replace irregular migration; efforts to fight smugglers appear helpless, even pathetic at times.
Der Rom Plan – ESI und die Getriebenen in Berlin
8/2017 20 June 2017Eine schnelle Verbesserung der Lage ist möglich – und bedarf gleichzeitig großer Anstrengungen. Dafür werben wir: eine Politik, die Menschen die Möglichkeit eines sicheren, legalen Weges öffnet, Abschiebungen einschränkt, Leben rettet, und die Qualität von Asylverfahren an der europäischen Außengrenze erhöht.
The phoenix and the black knight in Strasbourg – three things to do now
7/2017 5 June 2017We were convinced from the outset that Europe needs a credible guardian of red lines on basic human rights. It matters hugely, therefore, when such a human rights organisation can be corrupted.
Death penalty in Turkey – Illusions in Europe
6/2017 16 May 2017We suggest how to reform a dysfunctional accession process; and when to bring it to an end. We seek to dispel illusions, restore clarity and propose ways how the European Union and the Council of Europe might better protect fundamental human rights.
Merchants of Doubt or investigating Corruption
5/2017 21 April 2017The choice – and thus the future legitimacy of the Council of Europe – is now in the hands of 33 men and women and, if they fail to act, in the hands of those of the whole of PACE or even other institutions of the Council of Europe.
Open letter to PACE members: backing Sawicki – how to investigate corruption in Strasbourg
4/2017 27 March 2017If PACE wants to restore its credibility, and get to the bottom of this affair which threatens its legitimacy, this must not be allowed to happen.
The Malta Plan – a humane EU border and asylum policy is possible
3/2017 3 February 2017The European Union urgently needs a credible policy on asylum and border management. It must combine effective control of external land and sea borders with respect for existing international and EU refugee law.
Three days that shook Strasbourg – human rights and corruption
2/2017 27 January 2017A political earthquake took place in Strasbourg this week. What happens next will determine the future of Europe's leading human rights body.
The FIFA of human rights – beyond lip-service on anti-corruption
1/2017 18 January 2017At this moment, PACE is shaken by news of a serious scandal, following evidence that votes on key human rights issues have been manipulated for years.
A European swamp – corruption and human rights
8/2016 17 December 2016In this follow-up to Caviar Diplomacy, we take a closer look, four years later, at the progress that has been made on miring the Council of Europe in a swamp of corruption.