


12 June 2021

Gerald Knaus participated in a panel discussion on the film "My Way – The story of Hussain Hussaini – one who survived", where he spoke about the current situation of refugees and migrants

7 June 2021

Gerald Knaus presented his book “Welche Grenzen brauchen wir?” on the future of asylum and migration policy at the Freiburger Montagsgesellschaft. 

4 June 2021

Gerald Knaus gave a lecture on International Approaches to Migration Policy and Fighting the Causes of Flight at the Federation of Social Democratic Academics in Vienna. 

2 June 2021

Gerald Knaus presented his book “Welche Grenzen brauchen wir?” on the future of asylum and migration policy at Urania Berlin.


31 May 2021

Gerald Knaus participated in a panel discussion on "Moria and then" at lit.Cologne with Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister and Minister for Immigration and Asylum, and Isabel Schayani. 

27 May 2021

Gerald Knaus gave an online lecture at the Linköping University in Sweden on European Migration and Asylum Policy. 

20 May 2021

Adnan Cerimagic spoke with students from the Ljubljana University on ESI's research and analysis on the relations between the EU and the Western Balkans. 

18 May 2021

Gerald Knaus was awarded the Bruno Kreisky Prize recognition award for the Political Book 2020, for his recently published book “Welche Grenzen brauchen wir?”

10 May 2021

Kristof Bender participated at an online debate about concrete perspectives for the Western Balkans. He presented ESI’s proposal to make membership in the EU’s Single Market a credible and reachable interim goal in the accession process.

5 May 2021

Gerald Knaus participated in a panel discussion organised by the Bruno Kreisky Forum on Refugees and Human Rights. 


30 April 2021

Gerald Knaus gave an online lecture at the Nato Defence College on the Western Balkans. 

27 April 2021

ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in a panel discussion titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of EU integration.”

27 April 2021

Gerald Knaus gave an online lecture on humane borders and addressed illegal pushbacks at the EU's borders. 

25 April 2021

Gerald Knaus participated in an online debate on the rule of law, where he addressed the fragility of the EU's institutions and the need for cooperation between member states. 

21 April 2021

Gerald Knaus gave a presentation for CARE Austria on irregular migration, asylum, pushbacks and borders. He also addressed the EU-Turkey Statement and private sponsorships of refugee resettlement as in Canada. 

13 April 2021

Gerald Knaus was invited to give an online lecture at the Oxford University Austrian Society on "Can ideas change the world?", where he addressed the current challenges in migration policy,

13 April 2021

ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in a panel discussion on Bosnia-EU relations.


31 March 2021

Gerald Knaus presented ESI's ideas on the current debate regarding irregular migration, borders, pushbacks and the need for humane solutions. 

23 March 2021

Gerald Knaus discussed the need for a renewal of the EU-Turkey Statement, as well as, the current situation with push-backs and Frontex. 

22 March 2021

Gerald Knaus gave an online presentation for the Robert Bosch Group on Factfulness, refugees, and borders.