Vienna – ESI at discussion on concrete perspectives for the Western Balkans

On 10 May 2021 ESI deputy Chairman Kristof Bender participated in the "Vienna Dialogue about the future of Europe. Potential German-Austrian co-operation" (Wiener Dialog zur Zukunft Europas. Potentiale deutsch-österreichischer Kooperation) organised online by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the University of Passau.
Kristof discussed concrete perspectives for the Western Balkans on a panel with Florian Bieber (University of Graz), Zekije Kelmendi (University of Passau), Barbara Lippert (SWP Berlin), Klaus Wölfer (Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs) and Natasha Wunsch (ETH Zurich). Kristof presented ESI's proposal to make membership in the EU's Single Market a credible and reachable interim goal in the accession process.
- Programme
- ESI newsletter: Slovenia, Serbia and an EU-Balkan breakthrough in 2021 (9 March 2021)
- ESI report: Hamster in the Wheel. Credibility and EU Balkan policy (15 January 2020)
- Kristof Bender, Adnan Cerimagic and Gerlad Knaus, "EU Has Turned Enlargement into a Hamster Wheel", Balkan Insight (21 January 2020)