


19 March 2024

Adnan Cerimagic spoke at the "Balkan Breakfast" in Berlin, discussing the EU accession and political developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

12 March 2024

Adnan Cerimagic presented ESI research at an event with Kosovo's civil society, including the Serb community, organised by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

6 March 2024

Gerald Knaus critiqued Europe's asylum system, urging humane, rule-of-law based migration management over xenophobia, violence and pushbacks.

5 March 2024

Adnan Cerimagic spoke at a European Parliament-organised brainstorming on Bosnia and Herzegovina's political and EU reform progress.

5 March 2024

Gerald Knaus examined Austria's migration paradox, noting the failure of heated rhetoric and the  need for a new migration policy.

1 March 2024

ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic spoke at the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) International Advisory Board meeting.

1 March 2024

Gerald Knaus addressed rising fear over migration in Europe, advocating for humane control, legal pathways, and dispelling xenophobic myths.


27 February 2024

At a DGAP-organised "Balkan breakfast", Adnan Cerimagic discussed Montenegro's EU accession and politics.

26 February 2024

Adnan Cerimagic participated in the International Institute for Peace (IIP) Advisory Board meeting, a platform dedicated to promoting global peace and non-violent conflict resolution.

24 February 2024

Gerald Knaus noted that the status-quo of migration in Europe harms the dignity of migrants and strengthens the far right, arguing that we must do better.

22 February 2024

Gerald Knaus explained how asylum processing in third countries can benefit Germany, migrants and partner nations.

21 February 2024

Gerald Knaus discussed a new EU migration policy for legal, safe migration, challenging far-right narratives and ensuring human rights.

20 February 2024

Gerald Knaus discussed ESI's research on corruption at the Council of Europe, after a film inspired by ESI's reportings on an Azerbaijani bribery scheme.

19 February 2024

ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic briefed the European Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag on EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

15 February 2024

Gerald Knaus discussed refugee perception vs reality in Europe, criticised the current migration policy's failings, and proposed humane, legal reforms.

13 February 2024

At the "Balkan Breakfast" organised by DGAP, ESI's Adnan Cerimagic presented research on Kosovo-Serbia relations.

6 February 2024

Gerald Knaus was invited by Aydan Özoğuz, Vice President of the German Bundestag, to speak at the SPD Hamburg migration working group, joined by other interested party members.

1 February 2024

Gerald Knaus spoke at the German Federal Police on irregular migration, stressing the importance of international cooperation to manage migration effectively.


27 January 2024

Gerald Knaus was invited to give a presentation on how to depoliticise migration at the aha Festival. The aha Festival is a science festival that merges interactive events with contemporary scientific topics, aiming to spark curiosity. It addresses a non-specialist public.

25 January 2024

Adnan Cerimagic took part in the “Balkan breakfast” on the elections in Serbia.