Gerald Knaus was invited to give a lecture on “Deadly borders, humane control - what migration policy do we need?” at the Räsonanz Seefeld e.V. cultural association
Adnan Cerimagic participated in an online discussion titled “Vision EU – 30 Plus: Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU?” organised by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Adnan Cerimagic spoke on the panel, “The Perspective of Civil Sector Participation in Processes Relevant to the EU Integration of BiH: Next Steps” at the Initiative for Monitoring the EU Integration Process of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Gerald Knaus was invited as a guest lecturer at Leuven Institute for Advanced Study on Justice and Migration. Gerald participated in the New Horizons in Justice and Migration Conference and the GOODINT‘s Annual Workshop.
Adnan Cerimagic spoke at a panel titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina – Back to square one? How to end stagnation?” organised by the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG).
Gerald Knaus was invited to participate in a panel discussion titled “Is the EU even capable of acting in foreign policy?” organised by the Bodensee Business Forum.
Adnan Cerimagic participated in a meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations' Neighbourhood Strategy Group, which addressed the EU's role in the eastern neighbourhood and Western Balkans.
Gerald Knaus was invited to debate with CDU MP Thomas Röwekamp, on “Migration between humanity and order”, organised by the CDU in the state of Bremen.
Gerald Knaus was invited to give a pulpit speech on “What borders do we need? A humane migration and asylum policy is possible”, organised by the Evangelical Church District of Duisburg.
Adnan Cerimagic took part in the Europe Future Forum titled “A conference of partners who share the vision of a complete Europe – whole and free”, organised by the Visegrad Insight – Res Publika Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.