


22 May 2023

The ESI Team met in Warsaw for two days of brainstormings, group discussions and seminars. 

21 May 2023

ESI co-organised with the Baden-Baden Entrepreneur Talks (BBUG) a study trip. It brought together around 90 German top executives, business leaders, and entrepreneurs.

17 May 2023

Adnan Cerimagic took part in a meeting with North Macedonia’s leaders titled “Russian aggression against Ukraine: New momentum for the EU enlargement?

16 May 2023

Adnan Cerimagic participated in a meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relation’s Western Balkans Strategy Group in Athens.

16 May 2023

Gerald Knaus was invited to participate at the ERSTE Foundation’s Time To Decide 2023 Summit and also gave a presentation on the Rule of Law. 

15 May 2023

ESI's Kristof Bender, as part of the Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence's jury, contributed to awarding prizes to the 2021 generation of fellows for their remarkable long-form journalism, exploring societal and democratic processes across the Balkans to the Baltic coast.


29 April 2023

Gerald Knaus emphasized the significance of solidarity and human dignity in addressing refugee and migration challenges.

26 April 2023

Gerald Knaus participated in the U4U network's Rome visit, advocating for a proactive EU enlargement policy and stressing the need for a unified Central Europe without grey zones.

25 April 2023

Gerald Knaus discussed the 2016 EU-Turkey statement on migration, emphasizing shared responsibility and calling for renewed dialogue, and legal pathways for refugees.

21 April 2023

Gerald Knaus discussed balancing humanitarian and security aspects of migration at a panel with the German Migation Envoy Joachim Stamp.

21 April 2023

As an IWM Europe's Futures fellow, Kristof Bender visited Odesa, meeting various stakeholders, observing the city's partial recovery and documenting its current state.

17 April 2023

Kristof Bender attended IWM's Europe's Future program in Chisinau, discussing the Ukraine war's impact and political/social developments with officials and civil society.

13 April 2023

Gerald Knaus spoke on humane, effective migration partnerships in his keynote speech at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs' "migration return days" event.

12 April 2023

Adnan Cerimagic attended a meeting discussing Montenegro's EU integration post-elections, with key Montenegrin leaders and diplomats.

3 April 2023

Gerald Knaus discussed the global crisis in refugee protection and emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and combining humane borders with orderly admission of those in need.


30 March 2023

Gerald Knaus emphasized the need for a more humane and effective EU migration policy at an event in Switzerland and proposed a "Lake Constance Coalition for Humane Borders".

30 March 2023

ESI's Kristof Bender attended a RARE workshop, discussing ESI's research and advocacy approach with Austrian human rights organizations.

28 March 2023

Gerald Knaus emphasized the need for stronger EU-Turkey cooperation and involvement of other countries in migration diplomacy at a public debate organized by medico international.

27 March 2023

Gerald Knaus advocated for safe, legal pathways, more effective measures, and cooperation with third countries to address irregular migration.

27 March 2023

Kristof Bender participated in the 49th board meeting of the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation, an organization focusing on Kosovo's socio-economic needs and its EU integration process.