Brussels – Freedom of movement in a populist age - Why Balkan visa liberalisation is (still) a success

30 June 2011
Brussels airport. Photo: flickr/Jules Stoop
Brussels airport. Photo: flickr/Jules Stoop

The European Stability Initiative (ESI) organised a lunch-time presentation of its forthcoming report:

Freedom of movement in a populist age:
Why Balkan visa liberalisation is (still) a success

On Thursday, 30 June 2011,
12.15 to 13.45 hours,
at the Hotel Silken Berlaymont,
Boulevard Charlemagne 11/19, 1000 Brussels

Until recently there was a European consensus: the process of putting the Western Balkan states on the Schengen "white list" was a success. The Balkan countries implemented far-reaching reforms, their citizens received visa-free travel in return. EU conditionality worked. Everybody won. European security increased.

Then doubts crept in. Following the lifting of the visa requirement, the number of citizens from the region applying for asylum in the EU increased. This was not expected. As a result, some member states have called the very idea of visa liberalisation into question. Scepticism about offering a similar process to other countries has risen.

As some European leaders put into doubt the basic idea behind Schengen – that increased freedom of movement and increased security can be compatible – the prospect for further progress looks ever more uncertain.

Over the last three years, ESI has studied the visa liberalisation process for the Balkans. During the past year, we have in particular researched the surge in asylum seekers from the Balkans. To learn the facts, to discuss policy options and solutions, and to explore the wider implications we look forward to welcoming you at this lunch-time event. ESI senior analyst Alexandra Stiglmayer, in charge of ESI's Schengen White List Project, will present our findings.

Background information is available at and

ESI on visa-free travel and visa


This event was supported by the

Robert Bosch Stiftung