ESI VACANCY: ESI Fellows for the project "A changing Turkey and a critical Europe"
The European Stability Initiative (ESI) is looking for 6 fellows, from mid-January to mid-November 2011, to help us implement a project that seeks to contribute to an informed debate about Turkey and its integration into the EU. The project, which is co-financed by the European Commission, will be carried out in five enlargement-sceptical EU member states: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Each fellow will cover one of the five target countries. The aim is to familiarise a wider European public with changes taking place in Turkey and to create a sustainable network of people following the Turkey debate in the EU. Ideally the fellows will already work at a think-tank or academic institute, or be PhD candidates.
The fellows will be invited to two seminars in Istanbul - an introductory and a closing seminar. During the introductory seminar ESI will present its prior and ongoing work on Turkey, Turkish experts will provide additional briefings, and the project will be discussed. The closing seminar will bring together the fellows, ESI analysts, and international and Turkish experts.
The tasks of each fellow during the period of engagement mid-Jan. to mid-Nov. 2011 will be:
- To participate in the two seminars in Istanbul;
- To help organise two public debates in the country in question, one in the spring of 2011 and the other in the autumn of 2011;
- To update and expand the "ESI manual" on the enlargement debate in the country in question. The manuals list and briefly describe the individuals and institutions (decision-makers, the media, interest groups and civil society, academia and think-tanks) contributing to the national enlargement debate. They can be found here;
- To keep ESI informed of the Turkey debates in the country in question by sending relevant news stories, new academic reports, statements made by leading personalities, etc.
- To provide further contributions to the ESI website on Turkey;
- To put together a wider list of email addresses of people interested in Turkey and dealing with Turkey in the country in question;
- To help double-check translations of ESI reports on Turkey;
- To report regularly on activities and outputs to ESI analysts.
Such tasks will be performed in close cooperation with ESI analysts.
Remuneration and period of engagement:
The introductory seminar will take place in Istanbul around mid-January 2011. From then on until mid-November 2011 the fellows are expected to contribute an average of 10 hours per week to the project. Each will receive a fee of 500 EUR/month (5,000 EUR in total).
- Knowledge of the enlargement debate in one of the target countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany or the Netherlands);
- Being based, or spending a good part of the time, in the target country;
- Excellent knowledge of English and of the language of the target country;
- Excellent organisational skills;
- Ability to work independently and as a member of a team;
- Ability to meet deadlines;
- Availability during the whole period of engagement.
The application should include a CV, a one-page motivation letter containing contact details for two referees, and writing samples in English. Please email applications by 7 November 2010 to
Job opening: ESI Fellows for the project: "A changing Turkey and a critical Europe"