Skopje – ESI at think tank forum Western Balkans
9 March 2020
On 8 and 9 March 2020 ESI's Kristof Bender attended the Think Tank Forum Western Balkans organised in Skopje by the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis (IDSCS) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
Kristof spoke on the panel on migration, focusing on what the recent developments on the Greek-Turkish border mean for the Western Balkans.
- ESI, The Aegean Tragedy - Key facts and key steps, 24 January 2020
- Telma, "Oпасни времиња идат поради мигрантскиот пат кон запад, решение е помош за Сиријците избегани во Турцијa" ("Dangerous times because of migration route towards West, solution is assistance for Syrian refugees in Turkey"), 9 March 2020
- MRT, "Дневник 1: Дебата на мигрантската кризa" ("Dnevnik 1 [daily news programme]: Debate on migration crisis"), news report (minute 26:06 - 28:35), 9 March 2020
- MRT, "ДЕБАТА: МИГРАЦИИ И БЕЗБЕДНОСТ Ризик од продолжување на мигрантската криза, Југоисточна Европа може да стане камп за мигрантитe" ("Debate: Migration and security – Risk of continuing migrant crisis, Southeast Europe may become migrant camp"), 9 March 2020