Siegburg – ESI speaking on migration policy at Deutsche Bischofskonferenz
22 November 2018

Mount Michaelsberg. Photo:
ESI's Gerald Knaus gave a presentation on ESI's proposals on European migration policy at the Commission for Migration of the German Bishops' Association at Mount Michaelsberg near Bonn. Gerald outlined ESI's suggestions for a humane but implementable and efficient approach to solving the refugee issue.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Andreas Ernst and Fabian Urech, "Gerald Knaus: 'Weil funktionierende Rückübernahmeabkommen mit den Herkunftsländern fehlen, wird die EU zu einem tödlichen Magneten'" - interview with Gerald Knaus - ("Gerald Knaus: 'The lack of functioning readmission agreements with countries of origin is turning the EU into a deadly magnet'") (26 October 2018)
- Refugees Deeply, John Dalhuisen Gerald Knaus, How Italy Can Combine Migration Control With Human Rights (13 March 2018)
- ESI paper: "Amsterdam in the Mediterranean" – How a Dutch-style asylum system can help resolve the Mediterranean refugee crisis (26 January 2018) – also available in Italian: "Amsterdam nel Mediterraneo"
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean: