Zurich – ESI at public debate on migration policy: "Blessing for all or threat to our identity?"

ESI's Gerald Knaus was invited to speak at a public debate on migration policy organised by the Swiss Tages-Anzeiger newspaper.
He debated with Mattea Meyer, member of the National Council for the Canton of Zurich (SP) and Alfred Heer, member of the National Council for the Canton of Zurich (SVP). The event was moderated by Sandro Benini (Tages-Anzeiger).
In an op-ed ahead of the debate, Gerald argued that at the start of any serious discussion the difference between theory and practice must be made clear. Many policy proposals that at first sound plausible never leave the theoretical ground because they can’t be implemented in practice. So far, the EU has not been able to implement fast asylum procedures in the Aegean. Or to prevent thousands of victims by sea rescue alone.
- Tages-Anzeiger, Gerald Knaus, "Wenn die Rücknahme von Flüchtenden scheitert" ("When readmitting refugees fails") (30 August 2019)
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean: www.esiweb.org/refugees
- Media reactions to ESI refugee proposals