Vienna – ESI at Kreisky Forum: presentation and debate on migration and refugees
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to give a presentation on migration and refugees, followed by a debate organised by the Bruno Kreisky Forum.
In his presentation, Gerald spoke about refugee movements in Europe and the impact of irregular migration on EU member states. He described the uneven number of refugees taken in by member states and how quotas should be raised to host those in need of protection.
In addition, Gerald spoke about the dangerous journeys that migrants take to reach the EU and how inhumane policies, such as pushbacks increase the danger and at the same time, deny migrants their right to claim asylum. Therefore, Gerald argued in favour of establishing humane policies through migration agreements between countries of origin and countries of reception. The goal is to establish legal pathways and incentives to migrate regularly by offering training programmes or scholarships. In return, countries of origin would take back those of their citizens whose asylum claims have been rejected in the EU.
Gerald described how other countries such as Canada have offered protection through private sponsorships of refugees, an example that could be followed in the EU.
The debate was moderated by Robert Misik from the Bruno Kreisky Forum.
During his visit to Vienna, Gerald also met with the asylum expert Lukas Gahleitner.

Gerald also participated in a debate on migration policy on Austrian TV:

- ESI proposal: Humane Borders
- ESI proposal: New deal with Africa