Berlin – ESI at Innocracy 2020 / The Future of Migration: Envisioning a just European Asylum Policy
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to participate in an online panel debate organised by Das Progressive Zentrum, “Innocracy 2020 / The Future of Migration: Envisioning a just European Asylum Policy”
In 2015, more than one million migrants and refugees arrived in Europe. Since then, more than 15,000 refugees have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Yet, EU member states still have not found an agreement on a functioning European asylum policy. The New Pact on Migration and Asylum by the European Commission could serve as a starting point, but already faces strong criticism from the left and the right. How can years of political deadlock on this issue be brought to an end? And what should a just European answer to the issue of migration look like?
Gerald spoke about the European Commission’s recent migration pact, pushbacks, refugee resettlement and the situation on the Greek Islands.
Other panellists were Maria Kaldani (Head of Human Development Child Protection Unit at the Home Project), Sophie Magennis (Head of Policy and Legal Support, UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs), and Erik Marquardt (Member of the European Parliament - Greens/EFA). The discussion was presented and moderated by Andreas Audretsch from Das Progressive Zentrum.
- Deutschlandfunk: After the accusation of pushbacks: Frontex and European asylum policy. Radio interview with Gerald Knaus, 10 November 2020
- WDR 5: Gerald Knaus: Refugee policy between empathy and fear, 31 October 2020
- Vorarlberger Nachrichten: Migration expert Knaus: "Moria is certainly a symbol of failure, 28 October 2020
- Phoenix: Gerald Knaus on the situation of refugee camps in the Greek islands, 27 October 2020
- n-tv: Germany to become Canada - Knaus advises special asylum route , 17 October 2020
- ARD: Moria: Where Europe fails?, 14 October 2020
- Die Welt: Refugee camps could be history. Op-ed by Gerald Knaus, 11 October 2020
- Der Spiegel: Interview with migration expert Knaus: "Canada should be a model to us , 10 September 2020
- Kronen Zeitung: Refugee storms: Can 2015 be repeated?, 2 September 2020
- SWR Aktuell Kontext: 5 years of "We can do it". Expert Knaus: EU refugee agreement a great success, 14 August 2020
- Der Spiegel: Kampf gegen Corona: Evakuiert die griechischen Inseln - jetzt!, op-ed by John Dalhuisen and Gerald Knaus, also available in English: The fight against Corona: Evacuate the Greek Islands – Now!, 26 March 2020
- ESI paper: The Aegean Tragedy – Key facts and key steps, 24 Jan 2020
- ESI newsletter: Aegean Plan 2.0 – preventing a disaster in the times of Corona, 20 March 2020
- ESI: