Sarajevo – ESI on the future of the Balkans at the Sarajevo Plenum

7 June 2024
Adnan Cerimagic. Photo: ESI
Adnan Cerimagic. Photo: ESI

ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in the Sarajevo Plenum titled “Quo Vadis Balkans,” organised from 6 to 8 June 2024 by the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo. The event was in cooperation with the Centre for Civic Education, Academy for Democratic Development, and the European Fund for the Balkans.

Adnan spoke online at the roundtable “Impact of the European and US Elections on the Western Balkans,” alongside Srdjan Darmanovic, former foreign minister of Montenegro, and Vesna Pusic, former deputy foreign and Europe minister of Croatia. Adnan presented some of ESI's research and analysis.