Dubrovnik – ESI at the Dubrovnik Forum 2023

ESI’ Gerald Knaus was invited to participate in the Dubrovnik Forum 2023, organised by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Gerald took part in the “The Mediterranean and Beyond: Strengthening the Bonds” discussion panel, where he presented ESI’s recent proposal on Safe third countries. Gerald outlined how to conclude migration agreements, which are essential to stopping deaths at sea and reducing irregular migration. He emphasized that such agreements must be designed to uphold the principles enshrined in the Geneva Convention, ensuring the protection of migrants’ rights while upholding the rule of law.
Furthermore, Gerald addressed the EU Migration and Asylum pact with Tunisia, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that such agreements prioritize the safety and well-being of migrants. He underscored the need for reception countries to provide fair treatment and protection to those seeking refuge.
Gerald debated with Davor Božinović (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of Croatia), Nasser Kamel (Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean), Josip Brkić (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Andreas Schaal (Global Relations and Cooperation Director and OECD Sherpa to G20/G7/APEC), Ahmed Abdel-Latif (Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding) and Belete Belachew (Yihun Entrepreneurial Forum for Peace and Development, Addis Ababa).
Additionally, the Forum facilitated in-depth discussions on reviving enlargement in Western Balkans, humane migration control and human rights.

- ESI proposal: Safe third countries
- ESI proposal: Humane Borders
- ZDF, EU-Asylreform: "Keine pragmatische Lösung" ("EU asylum reform: "No pragmatic solution),TV Interview with Gerald Knaus 16 June 2023
- l'opinion, Gerald Knaus: « Nous avons besoin d’une diplomatie migratoire attractive en Europe ("Gerald Knaus: “We need attractive migration diplomacy in Europe), 13 June 2023
- De Standaard, ‘Nieuw migratiepact werkt niet, pushbacks zullen gewoon blijven’ ("New migration pact does not work, pushbacks will continue"), Interview with Gerald Knaus, 12 June 2023
- Berliner Zeitung, Gerald Knaus zu Asyl-Beschluss der EU: „Humane Strategie statt illegaler Gewalt“ (Gerald Knaus on EU asylum decision: "Humane strategy instead of illegal violence"), 11 June April 2023