Washington – ESI at Congressional Hearing on Albania
ESI senior analyst Besa Shahini was invited to give testimony on ESI's research on the political process in Albania prior to the elections in June.
There has always been a risk that Albanian parliamentary elections on 23 June 2013 will fall short of international standards. This would likely precipitate a major political crisis in Albania. Another result would be the loss of any credible prospect of progress towards European integration in the foreseeable future and a spiral of political, social and economic decline in Albania.
To counter this risk, ESI argues in a new paper, Red Lines for Albania. The EU and the June Parliamentary Elections (Vijat e kuqe për Shqipërinë. BE dhe zgjedhjet parlamentare të qershorit), that the international community must take a strong and uncompromising stand on the democratic principles that must be observed. It must take a non-partisan approach of strong support to the rule of law.
The following witnesses testified in the hearing:
- Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State
- Gilbert Galanxhi, Ambassador of Albania to the United States of America
- Elez Biberaj, Director, Eurasia Division, Voice of America
- Besa Shahini, Senior Analyst, European Stability Initiative
Background documents
- Video from the hearing (Besa Shahini's testimony starts at 01:24:00)
- ESI discussion paper: Red Lines for Albania. The EU and the June Parliamentary Elections (7 May 2013). Also available in Albanian: Vijat e kuqe për Shqipërinë. BE dhe zgjedhjet parlamentare të qershorit
- U.S. Helsinki Commission, "Democracy in Albania: the Pace of Progress" (6 May 2013)
- Unofficial transcript
- European Union Delegation to the United States of America
- National Democratic Institute (Pre-election Assessment Mission to Albania)
- Hon. Benjamin L. Cardin (Chairman, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
- Hon. Robert B. Aderholt (Commissioner, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
- Hon. Eliot L. Engel (Ranking Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs)
- Hon. Michael R. Turner (Chairman, U.S. Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly)
- Philip T. Reeker (Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State)
- Elez Biberaj (Director, Eurasia Division, Voice of America)
- Besa Shahini (Senior Analyst, European Stability Initiative)
- H.E. Mr. Gilbert Galanxhi (Ambassador of Albania to the U.S.A.)
Media reactions
- Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, "Albania: crucial elections for Europe" - interview with Gerald Knaus - (10 May 2013)
- Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, "Albania: le elezioni cruciali per l'Europa" - interview with Gerald Knaus - ("Albania: crucial elections for Europe") (10 May 2013)
- Gazeta Tema, "INTERVISTA/ Shahini: Zgjidhja e krizës në KQZ, rikthimi i anëtarit të larguar në mënyrë joligjore" ("Interview/Shahini: Solving the CEC crisis, reinstating CEC member unlawfully removed") (8 May 2013)
- Gazeta Shqip, ""Vija e kuqe" për zgjedhjet shqiptare, ESI: Dështimi i tyre do të ishte rrënim" (""Red Lines" for Albanian elections, ESI: Their failure will bring crisis") (8 May 2013)
- Voice of America, Keida Kostreci, "Analistja Besa Shahini: Situata me KQZ, sfidë ligjore dhe besueshmërie" ("Analyst Besa Shahini: The Situation with the CEC, challenges Albanian laws and damages trust in elections ") (8 May 2013)
- Top Channel, "Edicioni Informativ" - News show about Besa Shahini's testimony on the upcoming Albanian elections at the US Congress - (7 May 2013)
- Voice of America, Keida Kostreci, "SHBA: Zgjedhjet e qershorit, kritike për të ardhmen e vendit" ("U.S.: June elections critical for the future of the country") (7 May 2013)
- Koha Ditore, "SHBA: Zgjedhjet e qershorit, kritike për të ardhmen e vendit" ("U.S.: June elections critical for the future of the country") (7 May 2013)
- Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Keida Kostreci, "SHBA: Zgjedhjet e qershorit, kritike për të ardhmen e vendit" ("USA: June elections critical for the future of the country") (7 May 2013)
- Top Channel, "Reeker: KQZ mos jetë politike" ("Reeker: CEC should not be political") (7 May 2013)
- Voice of America, Keida Kostreci, "SHBA: Zgjedhjet e qershorit, kritike për të ardhmen e vendit" ("USA: June Elections Critical for the future of the country") (7 May 2013)