'Bitter lemons' - ESI guest commentary in Austrian weekly 'Falter' on Cyprus and Turkish EU-accession
Austrian weekly 'Falter' published a guest commentary by ESI President Gerald Knaus. In his article entitled 'Bitter lemons' ("Bittere Zitronen") Mr. Knaus addresses the current debate on the Cyprus issue and warns of a "spiral of growing distrust" between the EU and Turkey.
Many in Turkey feel that their country is not treated fairly in the accession negotiations especially regarding Cyprus – as leading EU-politicians had promised to lift the sanctions on Northern Cyprus before and after the UN referendum in 2004. Especially countries as critical of Turkish EU-accession as Austria should remind the European public of the promises made two years ago. On the other hand, Turkey will have to stick to promises made in the past and abolish legal restrictions on the freedom of speech or of religious association.
Both sides will have to rebuild trust in the sincerity of the negotiation process and heed promises already made.
Falter, "Bittere Zitronen" (15 November 2006)
ORF, "EU drängt Türkei" (Feature)