Media reactions



NRC Handelsblad
("Urgently needed: a Turkey-deal for Africa")
25 February 2017
Valencia Noticias
("PACE President Agramunt summoned to Spain Senate to explain his Caviar Diplomacy involvement")
24 February 2017
Sveriges Radio
("Political will is lacking, says the man behind the EU-Turkey refugee agreement")
19 February 2017
Augsburger Allgemeine
("Mastermind of the EU-Turkey-deal: 'The refugee plan does not work'")
15 February 2017
("Frontex: same number of boat people from Libya as in 2016")
15 February 2017
("Topic of the day")
15 February 2017
Die Presse
("Turkey: 'The judiciary should be up in arms'")
14 February 2017
Policy Hub
(""Benefits and challenges in the process of answering to European Commission's questionnaire")
14 February 2017
("The "Turkish" solution: returning refugees to Africa")
13 February 2017
Der Standard
("Internationality instead of Isolation")
10 February 2017
Der Spiegel
("This is how the EU wants to prevent Africans from fleeing")
9 February 2017
("Fast asylum procedures and speedy readmissions")
9 February 2017
("Looking for Libya is a dangerous fantasy")
8 February 2017
("Europe would sell its soul")
8 February 2017
6 February 2017
Die Welt
("Reception centres in North Africa? - 'Utopian'")
6 February 2017
("Will the migration agreement between Italy and the Libya work?")
6 February 2017
Badische Zeitung
("Some understand their job as protecting governments from criticism")
3 February 2017
("The lessons from the Turkey deal are known, now get to work")
2 February 2017
("Ćerimagić: Only ten members of the European Parliament know the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina")
1 February 2017


Osservatorio balcani e caucaso
("Azerbaijan and human rights: a storm on the Council of Europe")
31 January 2017
("Knaus promotes Malta Plan")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
31 January 2017
NRC Handelsblad
("MPs demand inquiry into 'caviar diplomacy'")
30 January 2017
Süddeutsche Zeitung
("'Safe places' outside of Europe")
29 January 2017
Radio Radicale
("Passage to the South East - The political reality of South East Europe")
29 January 2017
Svenska Dagbladet
("The Council of Europe must clean up corruption")
28 January 2017
Salzburger Nachrichten
("Agitation about bribery allegations in the Council of Europe")
27 January 2017
("Serious allegations of caviar diplomacy")
27 January 2017
("Suspicions of corruption in the Council of Europe")
27 January 2017
La Libre
("Corruption suspected in the Council of Europe")
27 January 2017
("Investigation of corruption charges against parliamentarians in the Council of Europe")
27 January 2017
("Panic at Council of Europe because of impending corruption investigation")
27 January 2017
("'Caviar Diplomacy': Agitation in the Council of Europe about Azerbaijan")
27 January 2017
("Calls for investigation of possible corruption in the Council of Europe; Latvian bank named")
27 January 2017
("Stories: The refugee from A to Z")
interview with Gerald Knaus on Greek TV
24 January 2017
Caucasian Knot
("Activists call on PACE to appoint new rapporteur on political prisoners in Azerbaijan")
24 January 2017
("SPD: Allegations of corruption in the Council of Europe must be investigated")
24 January 2017
Valencia Plaza
("'Caviar ambassador' reelected as president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe")
24 January 2017
Deutsche Welle
("Zvizdić in Belgrade - an opportunity for improving relations")
23 January 2017
Radio Slobodna Evropa
("Serbia and BiH on Walter's path")
23 January 2017