Media reactions



Nova TV
("Plan to resolve the dispute with Greece")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
9 December 2017
360 Stepeni
("Knaus: Macedonia to put a new name in the Constitution that will become erga omnes on the day it enters the EU")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
5 December 2017
Deutsche Welle
("Knaus: "Serious help needed for countries like Bulgaria"")
4 December 2017
Al Jazeera
("Stiglmayer: The lives of women victims of rape has been turned into endless sorrow")
3 December 2017
("EU plan to evacuate refugees from Libya: a reaction, no solution")
2 December 2017
Die Welt
("Italy continues to be a magnet for refugees")
1 December 2017
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
("A lot of work after the Hague
1 December 2017


Allgäuer Zeitung
("UNHCR wants more resettlement from Libya to Europe")
30 November 2017
("Will Africa help Europe to solve it's mass migration problem?")
TV interview with Gerald knaus
30 November 2017
France inter
("Lobbying at the Council of Europe")
interview with Gerald Knaus
25 November 2017
Emerging Europe
23 November 2017
("Experiment with wine and politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina: how we became victims of a stereotype about our own weakness")
6 November 2017
Dnevni Avaz
("Person of the day: Gerald Knaus - Always taking Bosnia-Herzegovina’s side")
6 November 2017
Dnevni Avaz
("Study by European Stability Initiative: Compared to many other Bosnia-Herzegovina is a stable country")
4 November 2017
("How migration is (not) stopped")
4 November 2017
("Excellent analysis of Bosnia and Herzegovina by The Economist on why the country did not break up")
2 November 2017
("British The Economist - Why Bosnia and Herzegovina hasn't collapsed!?")
2 November 2017
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
("In the stranglehold of despots")
1 November 2017
Center for Security Studies
1 November 2017
("Analysis by the British TheEconomist: Why Bosnia and Herzegovina hasn't collapsed")
1 November 2017
("British The Economist: Why Bosnia and Herzegovina hasn't collapsed")
1 November 2017
Večernji list
("Why hasn't Bosnia and Herzegovina collapsed?")
1 November 2017
Nezavisne Novine
("The Economist: Why hasn't Bosnia and Herzegovina collapsed?")
1 November 2017


De Standaard
("If we do not pay attention, we will be facing Orbans across Europe")
interview with Gerald Knaus
28 October 2017
Deutsche Welle
("ETIAS: It is not a visa – so what is it?")
24 October 2017
("German political scientist Alexandra Stiglmayer: 'It would be a mistake for the EU to stop negotiations with Turkey'")
23 October 2017
Dnevni Avaz
("Introduction of a new system for over 60 states: EU strengthens its entry regime, no return to visa regime")
22 October 2017
Sveska Dagbladet
("What has been done to stop 'caviar diplomacy'?")
21 October 2017
News in English
20 October 2017
Der Standard
("Returns are not inhumane")
20 October 2017
Deutsche Welle
("Direct sanctions against Turkey would be counter productive")
20 October 2017
Dnevni Avaz
("Adnan Ćerimagić, ESI analyst, on EU Council Conclusions: Messages from Brussels are not clear")
18 October 2017
Svenska Dagbladet
("The end of darkness at the heart of Europe?")
15 October 2017
("Everyone knew that he collaborated closely with one of the world's most authoritarian states. Nevertheless, Norwegian parliamentarians elected him as president.")
14 October 2017
Luzerner Zeitung
("Italy continues to be a magnet")
13 October 2017
("Former ambassador claims Jagland remained passive despite repeated claims of alleged corruption")
13 October 2017
("Refugees – Dispute over the Mediterranean")
interview with Gerald Knaus
13 October 2017
("Manipulation of values with money")
radio interview with Gerald Knaus
11 October 2017
("Azerbaijan under pressure to release political prisoners")
11 October 2017
("What's your take away from foreign minister Kurz?")
11 October 2017
Gazeta Wyborcza
("Cypriot Stella Kyriakides new President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe")
10 October 2017
Kleine Zeitung
("Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe tightens its code of conduct")
10 October 2017
("Fact check: who closed the Balkan route?")
9 October 2017
Die Welt
("It's about concrete instruments, not words")
9 October 2017