Media reactions



Dnevni Avaz
("Adnan Ćerimagić: we are back to the hell of the nineties")
29 August 2018
Dnevni Avaz
("Gerald Knaus: the idea of swapping territories could be a path to war!")
29 August 2018
Süddeutsche Zeitung
("Borderline plans")
29 August 2018
El Faradio
("Populists have seized the debate on migration policy in the EU")
29 August 2018
("Against drawing borders with blood")
29 August 2018
("Best solution - confirming, not redrawing borders")
29 August 2018
("What to do against Salvini's "escalation strategy"?")
29 August 2018
("Serbia and Kosovo are talking about redrawing the borders")
28 August 2018
Dnevni Avaz
("Gerald Knaus: the idea of swapping territories could be a path to war!")
28 August 2018
("Redrawing Balkan borders would be a tragic mistake")
28 August 2018
Dnevni Avaz
("Adnan Ćerimagić: Redrawing borders in the Balkans again would be a fatal mistake!")
28 August 2018
("Migration expert: The refugee debate is informed by hysteria")
26 August 2018
Der Spiegel
("The question of the century – How a humane refugee policy can work")
25 August 2018
Der Spiegel
("Refugees in Europe: who's allowed in and who isn't")
24 August 2018
Business Insider Deutschland
("Refugee debate: the architect of the EU-Turkey Deal punctures a big fallacy")
15 August 2018
Business Insider Deutschland
("Refugee debate: the architect of the EU-Turkey Deal punctures a big fallacy")
15 August 2018
Het Financieele Dagblad
("Europe must become much more involved in the quarrel between the US and Turkey")
14 August 2018
Het Financieele Dagblad
("Europe must become much more involved in the quarrel between the US and Turkey")
14 August 2018
("Looking for a new deal")
14 August 2018
Süddeutsche Zeitung
("Time to scrap the Dublin system")
13 August 2018
("Refugee agreement with Spain criticised")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
13 August 2018
("It's about refugees, not milk quotas")
interview with Gerald Knaus
12 August 2018
Gerald Knaus on migration policy in German TV news show
11 August 2018
Le Figaro
("Refugee crisis: Angela Merkel and Pedro Sanchez are looking for solutions")
10 August 2018
("The Canaries crisis of 2006 shows that Europe can save lives and reduce refugee numbers")
9 August 2018
("To close the border you would need to build a wall")
8 August 2018
Frankfurter Rundschau
("A coalition of realists")
8 August 2018
Il Foglio
("Bring migrants to Spain and increase returns. An anti-populist project")
interview with Gerald Knaus
7 August 2018
Huffington Post
("Transit centres obscure the real problems of flight and migration")
7 August 2018
("Refugees in distress: Are we too dulled?")
Gerald Knaus in radio debate on migration policy
4 August 2018
Tiroler Tageszeitung
("European asylum policy: 'Civilisation is always an effort'")
4 August 2018
Der Spiegel
("EU judges to bring Polish government to their senses")
3 August 2018
Der Tagesspiegel
("Migration policy: Gerald Knaus would have the solution")
3 August 2018
("The key to solving the European migration problem lies in Ter Apel")
1 August 2018
Die Welt
("Seven Anchor Centres in Bavaria start operating")
1 August 2018
Kronen Zeitung
("Getting on a boat …")
1 August 2018
Deutsche Welle
Interview with Gerald Knaus in reception centres in Spain for African migrants
1 August 2018
Deutsche Welle
interview in German on family reunification and anchor centres
1 August 2018
