Media reactions



Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
("Serbs in Kosovo: the invented exodus")
9 February 2024
(""Extremists don't laugh at dictating discourse"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
7 February 2024
TV Sarajevo
("What brings diplomatice offensive by international community")
7 February 2024
Una TV
("Conditions for EU ar eclear: Can there be an agreement, we will know tomorrow")
7 February 2024
("Citizens are waiting for some hope, politicians for someone to give in, Europe is waiting until the end of the month")
7 February 2024
TV Sarajevo
("Ćerimagić: USA supports EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
6 February 2024
(""Sternstunde Philosophie": Gerald Knaus - How do we solve the migration crisis?")
TV debate with Gerald Knaus
4 February 2024
(""We need to control migration, but without violence"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
4 February 2024
Dnevni Avaz
("Will Bosnia and Herzegovina use the historic chance: New governments in the EU will be less incline to support EU enlargement")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
3 February 2024
("Ćerimagić: Constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina is unrealistic at this moment")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
2 February 2024
Der Standard
("How European money seeps into the dungeons of Baku")
1 February 2024
Le Monde
("In Azerbaijan, the investigation into cases of torture in prisons receiving European funding is closed")
1 February 2024


WDR 5 Morgenecho
("Immigration of skilled labour: "Try harder"")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
31 January 2024
Le Point
("Azerbaijan: German councillors caught red-handed in a tin of caviar")
31 January 2024
Schwäbische Zeitung
("Migration researcher wants to make Germany a safe third country")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
30 January 2024
Der Spiegel
("Public prosecutor charges two former members of the Bundestag with corruption")
29 January 2024
Der Spiegel
("Public prosecutor charges two former members of the Bundestag with corruption")
29 January 2024
("Corruption charges against former member of the European Parliament")
29 January 2024
Kosovo online
("RFE: Without new recognitions in past three years")
29 January 2024
Radio Free Europe
("No recognition for three years: Visa liberalization can help")
29 January 2024
Al Jazeera Balkans
("Ćerimagić: EU and NATO must show Orban red lines in Bosnia and Herzegovina")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
28 January 2024
Nezavisne Novine
("Programme for the Western Balkans should be prepared before EU elections")
28 January 2024
Al Jazeera Balkans
("Does Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a mediator like Merkel: 'If Germans sneeze, we need intravenous therapy")
28 January 2024
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
("Gerald Knaus believes the migration problem can be solved. The researcher says: "Because the EU is failing, the right-wing populists are now benefiting"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
27 January 2024
("Messages from the EU are clear: Bosnia and Herzegovina has a chance for a big historical step forward")
25 January 2024
("Ćerimagić: Bosnia and Herzegovina got a chance to hop on the train with Ukraine and Moldova - countries that give hope")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
24 January 2024
Der Spiegel
("When people need protection, you can't just send them away")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
24 January 2024
O Kanal
("Green light from Union is achievable")
24 January 2024
Hayat TV
("Delegation from the EU welcomed without almost any progress")
23 January 2024
("Ćerimagić: International community and the EU need to address the relationship between Budapest and Belgrade with Banja Luka")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
23 January 2024
("Adi Ćerimagić guest of BHT1 Live")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
23 January 2024
TV Sarajevo
("Ćerimagić: There is interest and will to start EU accession talks")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
23 January 2024
("Ćerimagić on statements by "Team Europe" in Sarajevo: If the Netherlands is sceptical now, it will only get worse")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
23 January 2024
("Reasons for EU visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina: Encouragment, pressure or personal interests?")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
23 January 2024
("Montenegro's path to the EU: Even if Belgium "pushes", everything depends on the Governmen")
22 January 2024
("Ursula's (im)possible mission")
22 January 2024
Radio Television Montenegro
("Ursula's (im)possible mission")
22 January 2024
("Ursula's (im)possible mission")
22 January 2024
Deutsche Welle
("Ursula's (im)possible mission")
22 January 2024
Radio Sarajevo
("Ćerimagić: 'Viktor Orban is greater risk for the Balkans than Vladimir Putin")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
22 January 2024
O Kanal
("Reforms are still far away")
22 January 2024
Una TV
("European officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Is there hope for start of accession talks in March?")
22 January 2024
("Central News with Senad Hadzifejzovic")
20 January 2024
("For the Balkans, Orban is more dangerous than Putin")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
20 January 2024
("Ćerimagić: Orban is for Bosnia and Herzegovina bigger risk than Putin")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
20 January 2024
("Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still far away: It is EU's move now, but also our state")
20 January 2024