Media reactions



("Tensions in the refugee camp on Lesbos")
Video interview with Gerald Knaus
25 March 2020
TRT World
TV interview with Alexandra Stiglmayer
23 March 2020
Der Standard
("Migration expert Knaus calls for urgent evacuation of island refugee camps")
22 March 2020
Die Zeit
("Greek border - Chance or disgrace?")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
18 March 2020
("Will Europe fail over the refugee issue?")
radio interview with Gerald Knaus
18 March 2020
Die Welt
("Architect of the EU-Turkey deal: "Even 10,000 more border guards will not help"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
18 March 2020
Augsburger Allgemeine
("Refugee crisis between Turkey and EU apparently resolved")
18 March 2020
("Border chess - Europe, Erdogan and the refugees")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
17 March 2020
("Refugee deal with Turkey: The good money")
16 March 2020
("Is Erdogan using Syrian refugees as pawns? The Turkish perspective")
16 March 2020
("Border protection can be reconciled with human rights - Interview with Gerald Knaus on refugee issue")
14 March 2020
("Report (news magazine): Tense situation at Greek-Turkish border")
Minute 22:07 - 30:50
10 March 2020
Frankfurter Rundschau
("Don't get used to injustice!")
10 March 2020
("Dnevnik 1 (daily news programme): Debate on migration crisis")
News report (minute 26:06 - 28:35)
9 March 2020
("EU-Turkey-Deal before end. What now? Swaying fundamental rights")
Interview with Kristof Bender
9 March 2020
("Migration crisis in Europe: What next for the EU-Turkey agreement?")
9 March 2020
Islamische Zeitung
("The death of the Geneva refugee Convention")
9 March 2020
("Borders closed: On the failures of EU refugee policy and how to deal with refugees")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
9 March 2020
Dagens ETC
("Orbán's refugee policy is winning in the Union")
9 March 2020
("Greek refugee drama: What is next?")
Interview with Kristof Bender
9 March 2020
("Dangerous times because of migration route towards West, solution is assistance for Syrian refugees in Turkey")
9 March 2020
("New migrant crisis in Greece")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
8 March 2020
ARD Europamagazin
("Greece: Fortress EU - Defending borders at all costs?")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
8 March 2020
(""We need a new EU-Turkey agreement on migration as soon as possible"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
8 March 2020
De Standaard
(""It's not about Turkey blackmailing Europe"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
7 March 2020
("European Commission described Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country and as a society that is far from the EU")
interview with Adnan Cerimagic
7 March 2020
("Gerald Knaus on the current migration crisis: 'The Turks have every reason to be angry'.")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
7 March 2020
Gazeta Wyborcza
("Refugee crisis. "Transferring individual morality to a political level opens the door to populists"")
Interview with John Dalhuisen
7 March 2020
Die Welt
("The EU has been complacent about the migration pact with Turkey for too long")
6 March 2020
La Libre
("Europe has made a "strategic mistake" with regard to Turkey")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
6 March 2020
("If Erdogan could decide")
6 March 2020
Der Spiegel
("'Illner'-Talk about refugees and Erdogan: It's about human beings")
6 March 2020
NRC Handelsblad
(""There is no extortion of the EU by Turkey"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
5 March 2020
("Expert: EU must renew migration agreement with Turkey")
5 March 2020
Il Foglio
("How many crises, my Europe")
5 March 2020
Passauer Neue Presse
("Migration expert: "We need a new agreement with Turkey"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
5 March 2020
NRC Handelsblad
("Interview: 'There is no question of extortion of the EU by Turkey'")
5 March 2020
("Erdogan and the refugees - blackmail or self-defence?")
Gerald Knaus in ZDF talkshow "Maybrit Illner"
5 March 2020
("We need an EU-Turkey deal 2.0")
Interview with Kristof Bender (18:47 - 18:52)
4 March 2020
("Europe's Refugee Policy: People between the Fronts")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
4 March 2020
("Expert calls for new migration agreement with Turkey")
4 March 2020