Media reactions



TV Sarajevo
("Ćerimagić: There are countries which could invoke a veto")
TV interview with Adnan Cerimagic
13 March 2024
Augsburger Allgemeine
("'Hart aber fair' yesterday on 11.3.24: These were the guests and the topic")
12 March 2024
Süddeutsche Zeitung
("The magic word is "Rwanda"")
12 March 2024
O Kanal
("European Commission proposed opening of accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina")
Comment by Adnan Cerimagic
12 March 2024
("Ćerimagić: Bosnia and Herzegovina is least prepared for the EU")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
12 March 2024
Radio Sarajevo
("Ćerimagić about "green light" from EU: Good news for Bosnia and Heryegovina but this is neither an award nor a guarantee")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
12 March 2024
Dnevni Avaz
("Many will claim that Bosnia and Herzegovina did not deserve a start of accesion talks but they will neglect at least three things")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
12 March 2024
Al Jazeera Balkans
("The road to EU membership can take years if not decades")
12 March 2024
("Upper limits, third countries, payment card: Is this really the only way to implement asylum policy?")
TV debate with Gerald Knaus
11 March 2024
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso
("Ćerimagić: Regional cooperation to be linked to EU membership")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
11 March 2024
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
11 March 2024
Dorf TV
("Asylum and human rights - what does a humane migration policy require?")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
9 March 2024
("Ćerimagić: Is it better to have a pigeon on the roof or the sparrow in the hand?")
TV commentary by Adnan Cerimagic
9 March 2024
("Conflict of interest in 48 hours - can we get the law on courts by next week?")
9 March 2024
("Ćerimagić: Different mood in the EU, much more positive towards Bosnia and Herzegovina")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
8 March 2024
Slobodna Bosna
("Russia is using all weaknesses of the EU via authoritarian leaders in the Western Balkans, those that would not mind changing borders")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
6 March 2024
Dnevni Avaz
("Ćerimagić for Avaz: EU is calling for Bosnia and Herzegovina - Help us so we can help you")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
6 March 2024
("Bosnia and Herzegovina is the least prepared candidate for EU membership")
5 March 2024
("How realistic is for Bosnia and Heryegovina to start EU accession talks this month?")
5 March 2024
Seznam Zprávy
("There are more and more asylum seekers. The EU can't just send someone back, expert says")
Interview with Kristof Bender
3 March 2024
Welt TV
("All governments have failed to deport people to countries south of the Sahara")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
2 March 2024


De Standaard
("How does migration really work? These three books provide insight")
29 February 2024
La via libera
("Elections, an opportunity to rethink the European Union")
29 February 2024
("Ukraine in the EU before the Western Balkans?")
29 February 2024
("How could external asylum processing work?")
28 February 2024
("Is there a realistic possibility for Ukraine to be quicker than the Western Balkans?")
28 February 2024
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina
("How to get to a decision on the start of EU accession talks?")
Comment by Adnan Ćerimagić and Igor Davidović
26 February 2024
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
("EU eastern enlargement, the second? Opportunities and risks of a new EU eastward expansion")
Op-ed by Kristof Bender
21 February 2024
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
("Fewer and fewer Serbs live in Kosovo - in Serbia too")
21 February 2024
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
("Crime scene Azerbaijan")
21 February 2024
("Welcome to the year 1970")
21 February 2024
21 February 2024
("Welcome to the year 1970")
21 February 2024
Deutsche Welle
("In Kosovo decline of Serbs - but also in Serbia")
21 February 2024
Deutsche Welle
("Swiss newspaper: Decline of Serbs in Kosovo - but also in Serbia")
21 February 2024
Uzivo 24
("Dramatic decline in number of Serbs in Kosovo and in Serbia")
21 February 2024
Der Standard
("Azerbaijan banned critics as election observers - but not the FPÖ")
20 February 2024
Forbidden Stories
20 February 2024
("ESI: No international observer has seen "ethnic cleansing" of Serbs")
20 February 2024
Klan Kosova
("International report debunks Serbian lies about "ethnic cleansing" of Serbs in Kosovo")
20 February 2024
("ESI reveals Serb propaganda about ethnic cleansing in Kosovo")
20 February 2024
Nova S
("American senator seeks arrest of Radoičić after talks with Vučić: Interpol warrant followed by pressure from Washington 'He admitted complicity in murders'")
18 February 2024
Die Zeit
("Can Kosovo become Europe's new Crimea?")
17 February 2024
("How far can Belgrade take the support of Budapest")
14 February 2024
("Internal border controls will not lead to a decrease in asylum applications")
13 February 2024
Der Standard
("Migration researcher Knaus: "Cynical politics is not the answer to right-wing populists"")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
11 February 2024
Die Welt
("Mass exodus threatens if Ukraine collapses")
10 February 2024