Media reactions



Neue Zürcher Zeitung
("Corruption, caviar, chancellor's twilight: a lesson in humility for the CDU")
27 March 2021
Frankfurter Rundschau
("Markus Lanz voices loud criticism of Corona policy on ZDF: "Soon only toast to eat".")
Gerald Knaus in TV talk show speaking about Azerbaijan's caviar diplomacy
27 March 2021
("CDU/CSU MEPs implicated: Sociologist explains how Azerbaijan is buying EU politicians")
26 March 2021
Anadolu Agency
Interview with Gerald Knaus
26 March 2021
TV interview with Gerald Knaus on Azerbaijan's Caviar Diplomacy to undermine democratic institutions
25 March 2021
("Millions wasted at European border guard agency Frontex: a staff member testifies")
23 March 2021
("The EU-Turkey Agreement five years on: What next?")
Podcast interview with Gerald Knaus
23 March 2021
("Azerbaijan Affair: The Dictator, the CDU, the Moderator and the Money")
22 March 2021
Glas Srpske
("European Union on a ventilator")
21 March 2021
Sitel TV
("Gerald Knaus for Sitel: The model of Iceland and Norway as an option for the Western Balkans")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
19 March 2021
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
19 March 2021
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
("A CSU lobbyist for North Macedonia")
19 March 2021
Die Welt
("Refugees are best helped in their neighbouring countries")
19 March 2021
Tiroler Tageszeitung
(""Architect" of the refugee deal with Turkey sees "grave mistakes" of the EU")
18 March 2021
Südtirol News
("Expert Knaus calls for renewal of the EU-Turkey Deal")
18 March 2021
Salzburger Nachrichten
("Refugees: Migration expert Knaus calls for a renewal of the EU-Turkey deal")
18 March 2021
("The EU-Turkey Agreement five years on")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
18 March 2021
("The EU-Turkey Agreement five years on - Success or failure?")
18 March 2021
WDR 5 Morgenecho
("Five years of the EU-Turkey Agreement")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
18 March 2021
Kleine Zeitung
("Interview with migration researcher Knaus - "Camps like Moria simply must not exist in the EU"")
18 March 2021
Nezavisne Novine
("Bosnia and Western Balkans back on the EU agenda")
18 March 2021
("Refugee deal could be revived")
17 March 2021
Süddeutsche Zeitung
("Five years of the EU-Turkey Agreement - A deal benefitting both sides")
17 March 2021
Mannheimer Morgen
("We want and need to get actively involved there!")
17 March 2021
Die Zeit
("Azerbaijan Connection - It always has to be caviar")
17 March 2021
Berliner Zeitung
("Merkel advisor Knaus: Resettle refugees directly to Germany")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
17 March 2021
("We need sponsorships")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
17 March 2021
("Migration expert Knaus on wrong asylum figures")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
17 March 2021
Saarbrücker Zeitung
("The refugee deal with Turkey is only seemingly dead")
16 March 2021
Westdeutsche Zeitung
("Refugee expert Gerald Knaus: Germany is too passive when it comes to refugees")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
16 March 2021
Anadolu Ajansı
("ESI chairman Knaus: We need to urgently revive the EU-Turkey Migrant Agreement")
16 March 2021
Tygodnik Powszechny
("Brotherly help from Beijing")
15 March 2021
Il Piccolo
("The Ljubljana strategy for the Balkans in the EU: a two-phase entry like Austria in 1994")
14 March 2021
(""Blood on their hands" - The Conservative Azerbaijan connection")
13 March 2021
("Interview with Gerald Knaus. Azerbaijan and the Union -30 million euros for "caviar diplomacy")
12 March 2021
Balcan i Caucaso
("Dayton, the 'men's' peace agreements")
11 March 2021
("Pitfalls of Europe à la carte in the Balkans")
11 March 2021
(""Cerimagic: EU must not give up on long-term perspective of full membership for all Western Balkan countries, including BiH and Kosovo”)")
10 March 2021
Die Welt
("Denmark's dream of zero asylum seekers")
6 March 2021
Diario Armenia
("Germany lifted the parliamentary immunity of an MP accused of receiving bribes from Azerbaijan.")
5 March 2021
("We are selling our soul")
1 March 2021


Il Post
("The Western Balkans are looking east rather than west on vaccines")
11 February 2021