Media reactions



("Gerald Knaus: It would be smart for Orban to pull himself a little, although I doubt he can do that")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
6 May 2022
("Ćerimagić: EU enlargement is dead. Long live EU enlargement")
Op-ed by Adnan Cerimagic
6 May 2022
("Germany supports Kosovo's bid for Council of Europe membership")
5 May 2022
("Gerald Knaus: "There will be no one to help Orban"")
4 May 2022
Albanian Post
("Bender and Rohac for Albanian Post: What will happen after Scholz's meetings with Kurti and Vucic?")
4 May 2022
("Migration researcher: "We need staying power"")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
1 May 2022


Deutsche Welle
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
30 April 2022
("Gerald Knaus on the rule of law")
Video interview with Gerald Knaus
26 April 2022
Tygodnik Powszechny
("Looking from a far, I see myself")
25 April 2022
Mein Bezirk
(""A life in a state of emergency" discussed in Lech am Arlberg")
25 April 2022
("Gerald Knaus: The political vacuum in the Balkans is being filled by nationalist formations")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
16 April 2022
("Voice of diaspora - Adnan Cerimagic")
TV interview with Adnan Cerimagic 
15 April 2022
("erimagić: The question remains what the reaction of Republika Srpska will be after decision of Christian Schmidt")
TV interview with Adnan Cerimagic
14 April 2022
Klub Jagielloński
("EU money for refugees is needed, not relocation. The real problems are yet to come")
12 April 2022
TV Sarajevo
("Prime Time")
TV interview with Adnan Cerimagic 
12 April 2022
Dnevni Avaz
("Ćerimagić for Avaz: Sanctions are another in a line of a messages for the governing coalition in Republika Srpska")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
11 April 2022
("Green politician Hofreiter: "Must let coal-fired power plants run more"")
8 April 2022
Istanbul Policy Center
(" "What kind of world? What kind of Turkey?" with Gerald Knaus")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
8 April 2022
("Markus Lanz from 7 April 2022")
Gerald Knaus on German TV talk show "Markus Lanz"
7 April 2022
("Ukrainian refugees in Bavaria: opportunities and challenges")
7 April 2022
("Hungary and Serbia after the election")
Podcast interview with Gerald Knaus
7 April 2022
("Fleeing to Germany")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
7 April 2022
("Ukraine refugees: Migration expert Gerald Knaus calls for an airlift")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
5 April 2022
rtl nieuws
("Ukraine refugee crisis is immense: 'Biggest movement since 1940s'")
Interview with Gerald Knaus 
5 April 2022
("moma on site: "The war goes on"")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
5 April 2022
("Refugee crisis: time for the Polish initiative of the European Solidarity Pact")
5 April 2022
("Migration researcher Knaus expects ten million Ukraine refugees")
Interview with Gerald Knaus 
5 April 2022
(""Refugees are not packages": Expert explains what is needed for refugee distribution - and why")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
3 April 2022
Tecno Super
("We are refugees too' - different rules for Ukrainians and asylum seekers arouse strong feelings in Germany")
2 April 2022
("Russia ignites in the Balkans")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
1 April 2022


("Politics live: Between words and deeds: How powerless is the West in the Ukraine war?")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
31 March 2022
("Migration expert on the movement of refugees")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
31 March 2022
Le Journal de Montréal
("Depopulated Eastern Europe opens up to Ukrainians... for now ")
31 March 2022
("Migration expert: "The expulsion of civilians is part of Putin's warfare".")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
31 March 2022
Südwest Presse
("Migration researcher warns: "Germany could be the most affected country next to Poland".")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
31 March 2022
("RTL Night Journal. Episode 62")
Tv interview with Gerald Knaus
30 March 2022
("Ukraine-Russia war: Where the refugees are fleeing to - numbers and maps")
30 March 2022
("Migration researcher calls for better distribution of refugees")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
30 March 2022
Idealism Prevails
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
29 March 2022
Puls 24
("Knaus sees "record number" of displaced persons in the EU")
TV Interview with Gerald Knaus
29 March 2022
Deutsche Welle
("TV interview with Gerald Knaus on the redistribution of refugees from Ukraine in the EU")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
29 March 2022
Deutsche Welle
("The day of 28.03.2022")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
28 March 2022
(""A House Made of Splinters" - documentary film about children between the fronts")
Documentary Film with Gerald Knaus
28 March 2022
Deutschlandfunk Kultur
("Largest flight movement in Europe after the Second World War - how do we manage?")
Interview with Gerald Knaus 
28 March 2022
Online discussion with Gerald Knaus
28 March 2022
("Russia could trigger the next war here")
27 March 2022
RP Online
("There is an urgent need for an organised airlift for refugees")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
27 March 2022