Media reactions



("Guest of Morning for everyone: Adi Ćerimagić")
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
27 October 2023
("Gerald Knaus: "The promise of many deportations remains unrealistic".")
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
27 October 2023
("How to move forward on EU path after last meeting of the governing coalition?")
27 October 2023
("Migration researcher Knaus: Discussion about deportation is misleading")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
26 October 2023
Deutsche Welle
("How easy is it to repatriate refugees?")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
26 October 2023
("Dispute over migration and deportation - What is the point of stricter laws?")
Gerald Knaus on German TV debate Phoenix Runde 
26 October 2023
Deutsche Welle
("Deportation from Germany: What should change?")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
25 October 2023
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
25 October 2023
("What is the future of asylum and migration policy?")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
25 October 2023
Deutsche Welle
Interview with Gerald Knaus
25 October 2023
(""Markus Lanz" from 24 October 2023")
Gerald Knaus on German TV debate Markus Lanz
24 October 2023
("Migrants, the failings of Fortress Europe")
Documentary on migration with the participation of Gerald Knaus
24 October 2023
("Being better than Serbia is not something to be proud about")
24 October 2023
Die Welt
(""People talk a lot about migration, they complain a lot, but then nothing changes".")
TV Interview with Gerald Knaus
24 October 2023
("erimagić on options for Bosnia and Herzegovina as we wait for a date to start EU accession talks")
Interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
24 October 2023
Nezavisne Novine
("Europe divided as Bosnia and Herzegovina hopes to start accession talks")
24 October 2023
("Being better than Serbia is nothing to be proud of: Is reintroduction of visa regime back on the table?")
24 October 2023
O Kanal
("Is the return of visa-regime for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the table?")
23 October 2023
Der Tagesspiegel
("Migration expert Knaus in interview: "There is a political trap".")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
23 October 2023
Die Zeit
(""Harsh slogans alone will not stop anyone".")
Interview with Gerald Knaus
19 October 2023
Hayat TV
("Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to the EU: More has been done, let’s see if it will be enough")
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
18 October 2023
("Ćerimagić: For Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, the best is when the USA and EU work together")
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
18 October 2023
Deutsche Welle
("First Sarajevo Security Conference")
18 October 2023
("Membership in the NATO would destroy dreams of changed architecture of the region")
18 October 2023
("Is European perspective real or only deception?")
17 October 2023
("Newshour 2")
16 October 2023
("There are two sides in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the past and the other which wants to change things but has no idea how”")
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
16 October 2023
TV Sarajevo
TV interview with Adnan Ćerimagić
15 October 2023
("HORIZONTIANALISATION AND EXAMPLES OF RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA IN THE BALKANS: Vucic's media on the stasis of the Comintern and Putin")
13 October 2023
("The attack in Kosovo casts doubt on the future of EU mediation")
12 October 2023
Augsburger Allgemeine
("Everyone wants to limit migration - which proposals are helpful?")
11 October 2023
("Enlargement as a medicine for the ‘powder keg")
9 October 2023
Die Welt
("Megaproject - Minieffect?")
8 October 2023
Dnevni Avaz
("Adnan Ćerimagić for Avaz: Messages from Granada encouraging, Bosnia and Herzegovina together with Albania only country in region that could make a step forward in December")
Interview with Adnan Cerimagic
6 October 2023
("Bad news for bad policies: O’Brian will strike Dodik’s weak points")
6 October 2023
("Migration expert: "The Asylum Crisis Ordinance will achieve nothing")
6 October 2023
("Migration expert criticises approach of the federal government")
6 October 2023
("Dialogue of Belgrade and Pristina after Banjska: When KFOR comes back to north Kosovo")
5 October 2023
("Deterrence instead of reception - is Germany changing its asylum policy?")
TV debate with Gerald Knaus
5 October 2023
("The European Political Community has been mortally wounded in Grenada")
5 October 2023
TV interview with Gerald Knaus
4 October 2023
Die Zeit
("Shipwreck off Lampedusa 2013: Why can't Europe find an answer to the dying?")
4 October 2023
("Migration researcher: "Placebo reform that solves no problems"")
Radio interview with Gerald Knaus
4 October 2023
Der Spiegel
("More refugees in Greece again: Yosef is back")
4 October 2023
Al Jazeera Balkans
("Seven EU member states ask for start of accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina")
TV interview with Adnan Cerimagic
4 October 2023